
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Emoji Writing

 Hayyyyyy🖐! This is about how I got my new 💻  yes i know, I am only 9️⃣ years old but that doesn't mean I can't have a 💻 so I got my laptop just before the new ⛓⬇️. It is a 🪟 laptop! I can't really play 🎮 on it, but sometimes I can! But I wasn't the only one who got something ….. my sister got one as well!

Monday, July 5, 2021

pygmy seahorse

 they are the SMALLEST seahorse ever in existences they are literately they can camouflage into a lot of OCEAN cooler's it's hole LIFE or it will DIE. they live in their home known as purpul seafan. the father seahorses have the baby's at first they are dull brawn then they tern purpol because of tubercles


Tuesday, June 29, 2021


 Wednesday 2021 June we did the production :3 it was cool and cold, because it was freezing outside :3 i had to ware face-pant, also i don't really like face-pant, but i have to. i wasent scared at ALL. and i was singing along. the production was asome. :3




Monday, June 28, 2021

Sunday, June 27, 2021

my mihi

my octopus teacher

  my octopus teacher. It walks and looks like old lady in a dress she has 2000 sticky fingers sucker things.  She looks like a snail without a shell. it is a mistacol creature and octopus are very intelligent and smart. it will distract it's enmeas by squirting them with ink in the ocean. they are intelligent anofe to survive a shark attack.
pyjama shark is deadly to the octopus so the octopus arm comes off and makes it bleed which is sad.

octopus live in a kelp forest.

octopus are creachers of the ocean. 


 in tram two i was spelling at 8.1 years